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Wednesday, January 01, 2014
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CSS 2004 Part II
1. Al-Andalus was conquered by the Arabs in:
A. 699 AD
B. 711 AD
C. 800 AD
D. None of these
Answer: 711 AD
Note: Tariq bin Ziyad conquered Spain in 711 A.D during the reign of? CSS 2000
Spain was conquered by? CSS 2001
Spain is called by the Arabs as? CSS 2001
The Moors vacated Spain in? CSS 2001
Gibraltar is named after? CSS 2004
Gibralter owes its name to? CSS 2005
Who was the conqueror of Spain? CSS 2007
Spain was invaded in 711 AD by? CSS 2009
GIBRALTER is named after? CSS 2010
Spain was conquered in 711 by Tariq bin Ziyad under orders of Caliph Al Walid I. Spain in Arabic is called Al-Andalus. Tariq bin Ziyad was a berber, who were originally from Africa. He led the army from Morocco and landed at Gibraltar. Gibraltar is Spanish for Jabl-e-Tariq or Mountain of Tariq named after him. His army captured Cordoba and Granada among other places in most of Spain. Tariq served as the Governor of Tangier. Tariq bin Ziyad was a Berber, which is an ethnic group of North Africa.
Musa bin Nusayr was the governor of North Africa during the time of Caliph al-Walid I. Tariq ibn Ziyad was a General in his Army. Musa bin Nusayr sent Tariq to conquer Spain. Musa completed the conquest of North Africa. He was the first Muslim general to take Tangiers. Uqba bin Nafi who is credited with being the first conqueror of Africa, had only failed to conquer Tangier. Musa occupied Tangier and with that completed the conquest of North Africa.
According to the famous Moroccan geographer and explorer Ibn Battuta, Jabel e Musa in Morocco is named after him. Jabel e Musa is opposite the rock of Gibraltar named for Tariq bin Ziyad.
2. Gibraltar is named after:
A. Musa bin Nusair
B. Caliph Walid
C. Tariq bin Ziyad
D. None of these
Answer: Tariq bin Ziyad
Gibraltar is Spanish for Jabl-e-Tariq or Mountain of Tariq named after Tariq ibn Ziyad
3. Musa bin Nusair was Governor of:
A. Egypt
B. Africa
C. Basra
D. None of these
Answer: Africa (North Africa)
Note: Musa ibn Nusair was the governor of? CSS 2002
Musa bin Nusair was the governor of? CSS 2003
Musa bin Nusayr was the Governor of? CSS 2009
Which Caliph recalled Musa bin Nusayr to Damascus? CSS 2009
Who punished Musa bin Nusayr for invading Spain? CSS 2009
Musa bin Nusayr was the governor of North Africa during the time of Caliph al-Walid I. Tariq ibn Ziyad was a General in his Army. Musa bin Nusayr sent Tariq to conquer Spain. Musa completed the conquest of North Africa. He was the first Muslim general to take Tangiers. Uqba bin Nafi who is credited with being the first conqueror of Africa, had only failed to conquer Tangier. Musa occupied Tangier and with that completed the conquest of North Africa.
According to the famous Moroccan geographer and explorer Ibn Battuta, Jabel e Musa in Morocco is named after him. Jabel e Musa is opposite the rock of Gibraltar named for Tariq bin Ziyad. Caliph Al-Walid recalled Musa ibn Nusair and Tariq bin Ziyad back to Damascus. He was punished by Caliph Suleiman. Suleiman also punished/killed Muhammad bin Qasim.
4. Berbers belonged to:
A. India
B. Iraq
C. Africa
D. None of these
Answer: Africa
Note: Berbers originally were? CSS 2001
Berbers were originally? CSS 2006
Famous Berbers in Islamic History are:
Tariq Ibn Ziyad, Conqueror Spain
Ibn Battuta, the Muslim explorer and geographer.
5. Al-Dakhil was a Prince of the house of:
A. Umayyah
B. Fatimah
C. Abbas
D. None of these
Answer: Umayyah
Note: What is the real name of al-Dakhil? CSS 2001
Who was known was Hawk of Quresh? CSS 2001
Which Muslim ruler is called ad-Dakhil or The Enterer in Spanish history? CSS 2002
Abdul Rahman I was succeeded by his son? CSS 2002
Al-Dakhil was a prince of? CSS 2006
Abdul Rehman al-Dakhil died in 173 AH after the reign of years? CSS 2010
Abdul Rahman I, the first Emir of Cordova was known as al-Dakhil which means The Imigrant